Janet Kadow
Wednesdays with White Eagle and Janet
How to Get a Yes/No Answer From Spirit

How to Get a Yes/No Answer From Spirit


This simple meditation is for very beginners or even advanced channels who want to get quick and easy answers from Spirit Guides.

Once you have done this meditation, you can get an answer from your guides in any situation. We all always have telepathic communication with Spirit, and with this technique, they can signal you at any time of day, even when you are not in meditation.

The simple mediation in this audio is created for your guides to show you how they want to communicate. Once you know their signal, you can get that feeling when you are going about your day to day life. During the above audio meditation, they will be choosing the feeling you will be getting.

A feeling sensation is the most affirmative way to communicate with your guides since it is difficult (if not impossible) to create a physical sensation just by thinking about it. It is hard to make your body feel tingles, chills, or pressure, so there is little room for doubt that they are there supporting you and offering their guidance.

Alternatively, your guides may choose an emotional feeling. With this signal, it may be difficult to notice, but if they give an emotional feeling in your heart center, then they are working with you in a way that will require a bit more attention and awareness to their message.

If you don’t like the answer you get from Spirit during the mediation, feel free to ask them to change it. If it is too subtle, ask them to make it stronger. Remember that it is against Sacred Law for them to make you afraid, so they might be a bit shy at first. If the energy you get does make you afraid, then it is NOT your Spirit Guide. I recommend you end the connection and evaluate your intentions to be sincerely interested in connecting for your highest good.

This technique is one of the simplest ways to begin your relationship with Spirit. Use it often and keep asking questions! Spirit Guides are here to help you, but they cannot help you if you don’t ask. The best thing you can do for Spirit is to ask for their help. Keep them very busy and see how your life will change!

Janet Kadow
Wednesdays with White Eagle and Janet
Janet Kadow channels messages from White Eagle, who offers spiritual support, insight, wisdom, and inspiration weekly!
If you are spiritually inclined, these messages are for you!
Recorded every Wednesday LIVE on Google Meet all are welcome to come!
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